About Me

My name is Rachel. I am a wife, mom, an animal lover, a Girl Scout leader. My (special) interests include plants, crafting, wine, all types of games, and neurodivergence in general.

I am currently based in Chandler, Arizona, in the Phoenix Metro Area. But I am originally from California, and I definitely consider myself a Californian at heart. I’ve lived in a few areas in CA, Central San Joaquin Valley, San Francisco Bay Area, and the Central Coast. I have lived outside of the US as well. Our daughter was born in New Zealand, where we lived for about four years. It was an amazing experience, and sometimes I wonder why we left!

In my thirties I was been on a quest to get myself healthy in body AND mind. I have some chronic health conditions (Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Asthma, and more!) as well as some struggles with some mental health issues (Childhood Trauma, Autism, ADHD, Depression, etc.).

You might have noticed, many of those issues I mentioned are well understood by the general public, and some of them have quite the stigma attached to them. It makes for some awkward and/or frustrating conversations. I want these and other hard life experiences to just be topics that we can talk about between talks of work or the weather. Hard topics don’t need to be hard conversations. The fact that these topics are taboo is beyond frustrating for those living with them, and for those who love those living with them. I don’t think anyone should have to struggle in silence, especially when so many people deal with these same issues.

I want to be part of the movement to normalize healthy conversation around mental health and chronic health conditions. I hope you will join me on this path!

About My Family

  • I am married to an amazing man named Dave. He loves who I am. He is willing to grow with me. He supports my quest for a balanced marriage, but is willing to pick up the slack when my health makes balance challenging. I seriously got lucky with this one.
  • I have two beautiful and wildly smart children. Margot (11yrs) and Malcolm (7yrs). My M&M’s.
  • We currently have a menagerie of pets. Three cat’s, one dog, a tortoise, and a snake.
  • We are a neurodivergent household. Autism, ADHD. giftedness, etc.